You will need approval from the Special Programs Coordinator before interviewing Kiki Somerville or shooting footage at our events. To coordinate, please reach out to with the details of your request. Someone will get back to you as soon as possible, but please note we cannot accommodate all requests.
We have more than 1,000 artists in 350+ countries.
Please visit our About The Fearless Artist page to find additional company background. If you need more information please feel free to contact us at
For downloadable assets, please visit the Photos & Videos page in our Media Center. Please contact us at with any other requests, including those for The Fearless Artist logo or high-resolution images.
You can find executive bios on about page. If you require more information please feel free to contact us at
For the latest The Fearless Artist news, please visit our PRESS page.
Fearless begins here… we’re always here to support you along your artist journey! If you are an artist or creative, you can request support by emailing